The good news is that uncle seems "back to normal." Aunt is positive. Others are waiting for the dr.'s report. That everything happened so quickly is a sign that medication could have been involved. Also the internets tells me that depressive episodes and hydrocephalus can create such symptoms. We are not sure but for now Aunt is relieved, I am home and on call, and there is more NYC sharing to be had.
As I said, BT spent a good bit of time being more "Teen" than "Boy." However, there was a moment as the train approached the station that I clearly heard him slightly squeal "I get to ride on a Train!"

GT's most favorite moment was definitely Madame Tussaud's. She took a photograph of every single wax figure. At the end of the tour she got the wax hand. She spent the rest of the evening in awe repeatedly stating- "I can't believe I have my hand in wax."
This was said even as we finished milkshakes in one of the parks near Broadway and her head slipped down and she nearly fell asleep practically on her feet. This was likely caused by the fact that they both played PS2 and Wii until 3:00 am at our house the night before.

Here we are at Giovanni's in Little Italy. You'll notice the cokes on the table. The waiter asked if we wanted Pellegrino. I was all in favor. They didn't know what was going on. He came, poured it into crystal water glasses- it all looked very upscale. They took a sip of theirs and simultaneously "thphphtted." They wanted none of it.
They were, however, in favor of the footlong confetti poppers found in Chinatown. They were especially pleased to pop one out the window of the hotel and onto a nearby roof.

Here they are on the streets of NY- this was before the hoodie so you don't really get the full effect. GT's second favorite moment was when we found a soccer store in Little Italy. She's wearing "John Terry's" number with his name on the back- Even more appropriate given that Terry is the last name at House of Sophanne.
BT said "all we need are pants and we'll have a whole new outlook." (I think he meant look- but the mispeak really said more.)

GT, at the train station said," I was afraid when I saw those dogs (police dogs.) They probably think this box in my luggage is a bomb."
Seems to me that 14 is a lot like 2- balancing between kid and adult-trying out new identities-laughing and shouting "again! again!" when the music teacher races them down the hallway of the hotel. You can't directly tell them what you want them to know.
Me: Mr. Sophanne says to count the seconds between mile markers to see how fast you're going once you leave Philadelphia.
GT/BT: Ha Ha- we can't count to five.
Later BT: We're going faster now.
GT: We're passing the cars.
BT: yeah, and they're going 70, 80 90 at the most.
They want little or no part of anyone obviously pointing out how the world sometimes works- instead let them figure it out by either watching or trying.
It was indeed an experience for everyone.