Saturday, May 25, 2019

on tonights menu

I'll start with this- Its called Iskiate and originate with the Mexican Tarahumara Indians.  It's contributes to endurance energy.  Good to drink pre or post- workout.  Another advantage is that it looks like frog eggs.  Ingredients are water, chia seeds and lime. Chill and drink The recipe can be found here.  As I drink I realize that I forgot the sweetening agent but I like it without anyway.

For dinner tonight some haluski-

While the recipe called for 2 sticks of butter- I stopped at one.  Some onion powder, garlic powder and lots of pepper.  I've made it before when I had an electric frying pan and 14" cabbages from the neighbors garden.  A smaller head of grocery store cabbage made it much more manageable.  Also, a gift from the internet- after combining it I baked it at 300° for 30 minutes which allegedly combines the flavors, cooks off some butter and makes it a little crispy on top.

I can't remember for sure- my grandma must have cooked cabbage when we were there.  I'm pretty sure I never ate it then but the smell of it cooked is like entering a time machine.

In response to the bipolar nature of those two foods there is this.  We get an extra check in the mail (secret savings sort of) right before Christmas and summer break.  Today's check just about covered the cost of 10 50-minute individual training sessions at the gym beginning June 3.  It's time to get real.

Yesterday's cousin adventure.  We went to a local clothing overstock store in the same plaza where we usually get Chinese food.  Also in this plaza is a new Italian café that I suggested we try. I surprised her with dinner because if you tell her she'll ask about it all week.  I took her clothes purchase to the car and pointed her in the direction of the cafe (a few stores up.)  She walks slowly so I thought we'd get there at the same time. I turned around and she was nowhere to be seen.  Either she walked fast or was abducted.  I check in the cafe- not there.  I check in the stores between the clothes store and the cafe in case she didn't realize they weren't restaurants.  Finally I realize what happened and there she was having already ordered a pepsi and anticipating the sweet and sour pork.

And finally- Aunt's tomorrow, a free day on Monday- kids at school on Tuesday, one day of closing shop, two days of stupid staff development and summer begins on June 3.

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