Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Belligerent, that's me

A series of events between yesterday and today

1. a leadership team meeting where the only thing discussed was scheduling dates and times for make up evenings for early out during holidays for parent conferences, assigned book studies and how she will collect lesson plans next year.

2. A morning spent skim/reading a book called the BOLD school which is all about combining old practices with new and using technology only when appropriate
3. The high school band director came in and told me of the 30 kids in my appreciation class, two of them are students that I taught at elementary juvey school who regularly conflict with each other.  (see what happens when you're nice to the bad kids)
4. A presentation of next years schedule where her method of scheduling and fixing is like a kindergarten class trying to fix a circle at the beginning of the year- instead of moving in to close a gap, they just keep scooching around and around and moving the gap.  

5. The tech person presented the idea that there were 7 basic math competencies and I was put into a group with the art teacher and the physed teacher (who you may recall has moron like qualities.) and we were supposed to create a poster on math competency number 5- Utilizing tools strategically.

At this point a lost it in a big a$$ way.  Instructions weren't clear- it was a subject I didn't teach and I was partnered with two others who had no math teaching experience. I looked at the tech person and said (while everyone in the room stopped and stared) what am I supposed to be doing- I don't teach math.  Why am I being asked to explore math competencies that I know absolutely nothing about.  I don't get it. I don't teach math.
Come to find we had to copy what was on a web-site- to demonstrate the competency- make sure kids knew to use a measuring cup to measure milk instead of a ruler- which is what our poster essentially demonstrated.  Because clearly no one has figured that shit out yet. 

I worked like an adult, I apologized to her personally (she said it was really embarrassing for her WTF? Oh, you mean like being a music teacher talking about math competencies?) and to the group for the outburst.

6 hours of meaningless drivel.  And tomorrow I get to do the same thing with music teacher colleagues. Bring a breakfast item. I am taking a vow of silence with the hope that it will get me through the day- otherwise I will leave early.

I've told the new special ed teacher (who had the wedding to weeks ago) that I have a crush on her and will she be my girlfriend.  She drops the f bomb like a pirate and we share a higher expectation of humor which means everyone thinks we're both hilarious when we are barely trying.  I taught her when she was in kindergarten through sixth grade.  Same with her new husband.  The crush is because of this delayed present-

A gratitude journal for tired-ass women.  The plan was for them to write in it while I was home recovering.  Because that never transpired she gave it to me yesterday.  It will give us something to look forward to when school starts- a group journal that includes categories of Assholes of the day, People I managed not to harm, etc.  As it will be a shared written item, it required a brown paper wrapper that doesn't invite investigation.  Because I am the music teacher I often have to fix xylophone bars.  Also my girlfriend likes bars and saying the f bomb- hence the xylophone bar with an f.

Today I tried a new recipe- refreshing carrot apple salad carrots, apples, olive oil, lemon, salt, sugar and walnuts (except I forgot the walnuts). It was amazing.

Lots of adventures coming- perhaps something to write about.

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