Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Last Day of School

The rant/vent-

Today we had a leadership team meeting.  The intended purpose of these meetings is to make use of the knowledge of faculty to improve the school.  The previous principal, while he had many flaws, was more than ready to give up the reigns and anyone who wanted to take initiative was encouraged. The group dynamic of the teachers at that time was such that initiatives rarely happened.

Yesterday's meeting involved selecting dates (which were essentially pre-determined by tradition) to have parent conferences, meetings and staff development.  We were however invited to create a committee to plan the open house- another tradition with pretty clear guidelines as to structure.  No one volunteered for this.  I'm guessing because it felt like it would be too much of an exercise in "mommy can we do this? can we? can we?"

While our counselors and behavior specialists came with an outline of ideas written down to share, the only individuals who got to speak were ones complaining about the meeting dates because her son plays football and another complaining about planned book studies (all books picked by admin) because she doesn't read.

The dinner gang that is full of smart agreed with my coup attempt in that we will gather, hash out the details of the good idea the is brewing and present it once complete.  Normally this would be an above board process with a summer stipend to cover our time.  That involves the poor leadership dictating guidelines.  This way we can blow up the idea into reality and she can either take it or not.  If nothing else people who like each other and laugh together will get a chance to hang out in the summer.

I shared texts with a 5th grade teacher who wants to begin a recycling program with student leaders.  My role in the communication was to suggest ways of going about it without needing to ask for school-wide permission.  Start small and expand rather than beginning an entirely new initiative.

We finally have a staff that is energized and we have a leader who is defensive and defeatist.

Enough of the complaining rant- on to the last day.On this last day, the few kids I had got to play with scarves and puppets.

Normally I like to blur out the faces of kids before I post their pictures. I am making an exception today because the faces are what makes the pictures the best. (along with the scarf costumes and puppet baby carriers.)  What I notice the most about these picture is the confidence of their chosen look.  Kids asked to have their pictures taken and immediately wanted to see them.  I had them look up to better catch the lighting in the room.

And finally, I am attempting to crochet another Atlanticus.  It is an enormous beautiful mandala and I've had some inspiration regarding color choices and the use of yarn in my stash.  I hope I follow through on this.

Coming events- today is professional development at school. I will be knitting a sock to hide my resting bitch face.  The only thing worse than being ignored as a specialist is being given meaningless busy work.  Tomorrow it's to the big city with a similar day with music teacher colleagues and while the subject matter will improve, the feeling of been there, done that will not.  Friday is finish closing up the room day.  We received an email from our fearful leader indicating that while she will begin checking people out at 2:00 that day, we may not leave until 3:00 (normal quitting time being 4:00.) and no one should ask to do otherwise.

Not really giving a shit any more, I immediately went to see her and informed her that I would be taking a 1/2 day on Friday as I have a dr. appt. at 3:00 pm.  She grimaced.  I considered having the dr. office send a note with the appointment listed on it but thought better of it.  I'll get a dr. slip when I am finished that day.

In #irony category.  There are two categories above "mediocre" in the teacher evaluations.  They are "accomplished" and "distinguished."  Accomplished allows you to pass go and collect $200.  Distinguished is the highest category but requires paragraph descriptors and documentation.  The activities the 5th grade students did for the six weeks I was out this year lend themselves to consideration for distinguished.  Yes, you read that right.  My evaluation will be higher this year because I did less actual engaging.  Welcome to the world of WV education. sigh.

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