Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Life's Wheels

A little more than 25 years ago there was a kindergarten student who decided that I mostly walked on water.  I got a huge hug every single morning (all the way through 6th grade).  When she was in 2nd grade she made me a puppet from what appeared to be a mattress cover pad shaped like an oven mitt without the thumb.  It was two pieces sewn together with yarn.  Mismatched buttons for eyes and a mouth made with magic marker.

It is no accident that she was selected to wear the uniform when I was connected with the guest musicians presenting at our school. She got to be the conductor of the brass quintet.  This is as close to playing favorites as teachers can get.

When she was little and asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, she would (from as early as 2nd grade) reply "I want to be a doctor. An oncologist."

Fast forward x number of years.  She's an RN, her sister is a drug addict who has had 3 children in the last 5 years and she, a single girl with the heart of an angel is now the gaurdian of all three (and a couple of dogs, well, because dogs.)

Greathusbandbob had to visit a pain management clinic in the cancer center for his knee pain.  If he has knee pain he can't walk.  If he can't walk, he gets short of breath. He was dreading this visit- fearing they might look at him as another guy trying to get easy access to drugs.  He went there armed with the above crux of the issue but never needed it because this adorable angel was his nurse.

In spite of the casualness of the conversations the normal everyday business, it was all just beyond the realm of the mundane. To me it was magical.  Every time I think about Megs taking care of greathusbandbob there is a wave of well-being that surges through me.

What a wonderful world.  Now it is she who is doing the water-walking.

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