Sunday, September 12, 2010


While I've tried to do this pattern once, I think my color choices the first time were way boring and caused me to lose interest. So here goes another attempt at EZ's adult surprise jacket- The colors are much more vibrant than they appear. I am imagining wearing this in the coming winter so that I will be easy to spot in drifts of white snow.

This gourd makes me wish I weren't such a chicken when it comes to the watercolors I have housed a mere inches away from it. I think it would make a fabulous subject but fear of failure prevails and for now I will content myself with admiring the colors, texture and beauty of the original object instead of trying to reproduce it.


roxie said...

That is a sweater with pizaz! Way to front off old man winter.

If you get out your watercolors and paint an unsatisfactory picture of the gourd, what happens? Does the gourd explode? Does all your watercolor paper go up in flames? Do the fine art gestapo come and torture your nearest and dearest? Can't you just take what you learned and paint another, better picture? How will you learn to paint better pictures if you never have a chance to paint not-so-good pictures? That's a really cool gourd!

Anonymous said...

Roxie is so right! Or just start with pencils or pastels and play with the colors, then watercolor. You can do that exercise where you look at what you're drawing (the gourd) rather than at the paper (no peeking). Very interesting and freeing and may loosen you up.

You will indeed not be lost in a snow drift in your sweater, perhaps that's the surprise part? How can you even think of snow...

Carol said...

Bright colours rule the world! Why must winter coats all be drab colours? It annoys me.