Wednesday, November 11, 2009

crackmeup because what else can you do?

Other things that have had me laughing lately-

In a recent post, Gayle at Mangofeet was writing about her pullets laying eggs for the first time. She wrote-

I always picture that first egg as quite the surprise - the little hen spinning around to look, with an exclamation of "What the hell was that?!?"

That is hysterical.

Also knitnightJen wrote me a Ravelry message that said,

you left a big gaping yo at knit night.

I've had to miss a couple of weeks thanks to some bone fragments floating around in the Mr. Sophanne's knee. As I pointed out to her, I've made dinner twice in a row this week. This demonstrates just how out of kilter things are here at House of Sophanne.

And for the first time since I started this blog I have some stealth knitting. Yes, I am knitting for one of the 5 or 6 regular (or irregular- who am I to say) readers. It's actually stealth crocheting. And usually I hate it when people announce that but since this is the first time it's ever happened, I think I should get a pass.


Cindy said...

I'll give you a pass! Do you want a hall pass or a knit-night pass?

Deborah said...

Announcing that you are doing stealth projects only makes me excited with anticipation of finding out what they are! No pass needed I think.