Sunday, July 28, 2019

Follow this train... of thought.

I saw George riding his motorized wheelchair to the drug store
He can’t do that - it doesn’t have a license plate.
Horses don’t have license plates
Are they allowed on the road?
There’s probably some law that they forgot to get rid of that says they are
There are horses in NYC
What if horses got pulled over for drunk driving?
Touch your muzzle with your hoof with blinders on.
Were you drinking tonight? 
I just had a little rye.... whiskey.
I’m sorry I’ll have to take your reins, you failed the breathalyzer.
I need therapy, know any good therapists?
There’s a therapy cow in the petting zoo at the village-right next to the yoga goats.
Hook me up, wouldja?
A horse and a cow walk into a bar.
The bartender says “why the long face?”
The cow says got milk?”
They won’t even let me walk to the drugstore.

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