Sunday, April 14, 2019

Today's meal

What it lacked in flavor, it made up in texture and healthiness.

In no particular order, in no particular quantities- broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, a fried egg/cut up, quinoa, feta cheese, cottage cheese, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, fried tofu, garlic powder, ginger, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, lemon.  It could have used some chickpeas.

Last week I told music appreciation that I had "senioritis" and Beth informed me that I had "senior citizenitis."  Those kids.

Last week I brought a large bag of beef jerky from Sam's.  Said bag was empty in 30 seconds.  Who knew.  While a little more expensive, I would have gladly gone that route had I known.  It's got to be healthier than oreos and pringles.

Cousin had a migraine on Friday and couldn't go shopping.  I called our helping assistant to come to the rescue because I would resent giving up a Saturday.  Instead I got my nails done and got my hair cut and de-grayed (not completely- that would look ridiculous.)

I also went to the library to be fingerprinted so that I may work with the local high school/middle school bands this summer (a PA requirement)  My left hand ring finger was declared as having "wear and tear" because of being a musician.  My left hand pinkie was declared "too small to print."  It was electronic and could not roll properly on the device.  Their initial offer included two weeks of 5 hours an evening and two full weeks at an away band camp.  I replied "too old for overnight band camps" but I'd be available and would be glad to do the evening rehearsals and so an adventure for the summer.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

I admire your "too old for overnight band camp" reply.