Saturday, December 29, 2018

The days are dwindling

Soon it will be time to return to school with nary a snow day in sight.

The weekly cousin trip had another moment of progress- We're going to lunch with her friends on her birthday.  Usually there is a phone call or two to figure out what time we are going.  Today she informed me she told everyone to meet at noon and that we would go to the grocery store after lunch. She made a decision with confidence. What the what!

I had a list of things (not chores) to play with while on break and I really just ended up reading and coloring a lot- they must be my go-to activities- there was some knitting.  Stephen King's The Outsiders  reminded me of his early works.  He can write a suspenseful chapter. There was some token gruesome violence but it didn't drive the story.  In it he (and others who review this one on Goodreads) refers to a suspense writer named Harlan Coben so I picked up Fool Me Once.  How fun it is to have something to read that you actually try to stay awake for.

It was make some lasagne night tonight.

I threw it together without a recipe-and it was fine.  All these years I thought lasagne was so complicate.  i may forgo the oven-ready noodles next time.  There is a certain gumminess to them.  The sauce is a marinara with boca ground beef and broccoli.

No clever closing comments- just a sigh for time flying.

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