Sunday, March 25, 2018

Non sequiturs

This is an unknown internet dog but I saw it and believe it is all of truth and beauty.

I met a friend at Zumba.  We are at similar levels of fitness and had talked about moving to weights together in the summer.  Except then we friended on Facebook and she minimalized those kids.  And she shares fake Russian bot posts and likes the president. Every new friendship now requires a political litmus test because there are things I can not abide.

Today’s brush with stupid brain.... couldn’t think of the word minimalized.  Had to look up synonyms for diminished

When I turn 55 in three years I will have more than the required years to be eligible for full state retirement.  Yes.  I can retire in three years.  What the freakin' what?  I have a friend who's husband just finished law school after at least a 20 year career in local radio and sports broadcasting. When I found out I thought- wait- I want to do that.  If for no other reason than I love to go to school.  And then I could be a child advocate.  LSAT prep materials are in the mail.  It seems so much more interesting than subbing. (Or medical transcription which was my other idea before this one.)

And finally- I have a friend who recently ended a five year relationship after slowly coming to realize the incompatibility of her situation and I have a new app idea.  It’s called "meet my ex." Marcia leaves Greg.  Marcia wants to warn others about Greg’s batshit craziness.  She can’t use his name so under her name she includes necessary information.  Then all the new girlfriend to be has to do is learn the former girlfriends name.  There are still some kinks in it but I think it has potential (unless of course it’s already out there.)

1 comment:

sunshine said...

Another lawyer in the family? I think you would be great!