Sunday, November 12, 2017

Spoiled much?

Note the empty chair and the dogged chair.  We used to have a love seat there.  Me near the wall, dog on her pillow on the other side.  The support of the love seat was no longer adequate.  I moved it. (out of picture at left).  Then we had center chair, husband chair, love seat with dog pillow over there.  We directed the dog to her new place.  She looked really pissed.  So I moved her pillow by the newly placed red chair (on the floor) along with her afghan.  She tolerated it but was disgusted to be in the same place as the cat- as in the floor.  When I got up to fold clothes, she hopped up onto the red chair as if to declare it her own and to express her displeasure.  Thus greathusbandbob and I could be seen carrying the lighter colored chair around the house, down to the basement (it wouldn’t go pas the railing on the stairs) and creating the set up you see here. All is well again.

1 comment:

sunshine said...

Oh for the pleasure of Liza!