Thursday, June 05, 2014


I have some amazing friends. Today I watched them decorate these:


Purple shoe sugar cookies

And these:


Purple macaroons

For a special event for a family member. I say watched because I knew better than to even get too close to the table. They did create an IEP for me in that I told them what to draw on some of them and they obliged.

Not pictured are the shoe cupcakes as they were not yet assembled. I should be able to get a picture on Saturday.

It all happened right before my very eyes and I am still incredulous.


Update on my summer employment: I've been achieving the step goal daily (I may raise it for the summer to 15,000.). The altered caloric intake has been a little more challenging but every day is a new chance to try again.




1 comment:

kmkat said...

I quite like the gradient effect on the macaroon photo :-)