Friday, December 08, 2017

No Nap. No Pizza.

But it was a close one.  I was starving on the drive home and so ready for a GIANT double cheese pizza.  I knew I was in trouble.  I’ve also been exhausted all day which meant that if I napped, the odds of pizza would have increased exponentially.

Instead I cooked brown rice pasta in vegetable stock. Added leftover celery and carrots.  When you cook brown rice pasta you boil for 2 minutes and let stand covered for 16. That seems wrong but it turned out well.  The best brown rice pasta to date. Which I think is partly due to leaving it alone and not trying to get fancy.  Then small corn tortilla shells with refried black beans and Mexican cheese folded over and fried in a pan like mini quesadillas.  Also filling and pretty tasty. However many calories I may have eaten I’m certain it doesn’t equal a giant pizza.  Also I’m pretty sure I won’t need any Roland’s later.  Crisis averted.

I’ve taken to running on the indoor track now and again.  I even did a half mile of walking/running before Zumba last night. I’ve held on to the new number in the tens column for three weigh-ins (morning and night)  so I’m losing a little again.  Pretty close to 35 so far.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

Yay for you for sticking with it.