Sunday, September 27, 2009

Loretta Morgan

Yesterday was spent at the hospital. Uncle is refusing hospice believing that he will be walking out any day now. It's hard to watch aunt and uncle but knowing that so many of you have been through such times I know that this too shall pass.

I took a walk to the waiting room yesterday to call Mr. Sophanne and my weariness led to telephone tears. I pulled it somewhat together and hung up.

Loretta Morgan is the woman who empties the garbage and dust-mops the floor in his room. She was in the waiting room taking a break. I looked to her and said "can you hug me and help me?" and she did. Turns out uncle was her grandmother's attorney way back when.

The world is so connected.

There are good people in it.


Anonymous said...

Denial, etc. It affects us all to some degree. Perhaps Uncle will come to reality, perhaps not.

But I am glad Loretta Morgan was there for you when we cannot be. And good for you for asking. {{{hugs}}}

Cindy said...

What an incredibly sweet story. Loretta Morgan is a wonderful lady. I hope your Uncle sees the light and accepts the help sooner than later, but we cannot control or maneuver. Hugs to you, Mr. Sophanne and Liza Jane. You're all in this together.

Carol said...