Saturday, February 14, 2009


Yea, I made it up. It stands for National No Blog Posting Month. It was going to be February but then I got an award from the Fabulous Cindy for being a

and I felt like maybe I should say thanks and post a little. Cindy has an awesome blog- tunes every day- Grover the Dog- and weekly Friday announcements. She's also got some great blogger friends (check out the other people she bestowed this award upon because they are also some of my favorite reads.)

In other news- nothing says I love you on Valentine's Day like a big ole pile of gravel in the driveway (24 tons to be precise)

Seriously- it's quite the treat. THere were also cards, flowers, candy, some lottery tickets for him but not nearly as exciting as rocks sliding out of heavy machinery.

My new nemesis- Pizza Crust. I thought for sure I'd be able to work this out by now.

Episode 1: Bisquick Pizza Crust- Tastes like biscuits. No surprise there for anyone with logical thought. Present company excluded.

Episode 2: Betty Crocker packet Crust- meh- not the local homemade taste I was looking for.

Episode 3: Still trying to get cooked as I type- homemade crust with yeast flour etc. the basic stuff. I knew things were looking bad 50 minutes after I had set it aside to rise and it didn't look any different. In answer to all possible problem solvers- yes the yeast was fresh, yes I used warm water, I called my friend from whence the recipe came and she asked me all of those (and more questions) and could only say "huh." She also said that "no, it was not likely to speed rise in the last 10 minutes of rising time."

While on the phone with her I asked her how many crusts it would make- she said two. I was only prepared for one- she said I could just make it a thicker crust. That thicker crust is in the oven trying to fulfill its destiny (density- what movie is that from?) with little to no success. It is doing a nice job of just being dough.

On the Knit front- the prayer shawl is finished and its recipient is reported to be doing well. I also finished a crocheted afghan for Mr. Sophanne's daughter. I've been spending most of my time on the EZ adult surprize jacket- as there is no real form to observe until the end, you can enjoy the pretty colors.

If the gravel is shoveled in time there may be a "playing together separately" adventure for Mr. Sophanne and I. I'll drop him off at the casino and motor on up to the Pgh Knit and Crochet Festival in the city of Mars. (that cracks me up.) I may also stop at a local pizzeria (why is that not spelled pizzaria?) and indulge.


Anonymous said...

Hey the Walmart in Morgantown sells lumps of frozen pizza dough that are really good. We have gotten them several times. I am getting ready to take the plunge though into homemade artisan breads which will include pizza dough.

Natalie said...

yum - pizza - good crust, bad crust, homemade, frozen or from a pizzeria, I'd like some!

YawnOver said...

Damn, that pizza sure looked good. Do you have a bread machine? If so, let me know - I have the world's easiest pizza dough recipe.

Can't wait to see the ASJ.

Jenn said...

Ooh, did you buy anything good at the festival? I haven't knit with anything I bought last year and I don't have any money anyway, so I decided to sit this one out.

Cindy said...

If I send you a recipe, will you try it? Also, do you use lukewarm to coolish water? I'm now determined to help you with this. Dammit;-)

Carol said...

I am way behind here, but when I make my dough in the winter, my house is often too cold. So I turn on the lightbulb in the oven and put it in there. The lightbulb gives off a little bit of heat and seems to warm it up jsut enough. how did it go?

Kim said...

Yummy pizza! I wish Cupid brought me some gravel for my driveway. Maybe the Easter Bunny will bring me gravel.