Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thank You Universe.

So I took a sick day yesterday.  Not because I was particularly sick.  More because I was angry at my job.  On Tuesday the h.s. music teacher approached me in the drama voice and said "you're teaching two classes here this year and they are guitar and piano if you want to start preparing."

Item number one- She's not the one qualified to inform me and I told her as much.
Item number two- She was somewhat but not entirely misinformed.
Item number three- If it is indeed the case then all of the time and energy spent on creating a music appreciation curriculum was essentially one and done.

I have been hanging on to the drama/anger of inappropriate sharing of information for two days.  Principals are principals because they know how and when to relate such information in such a way that it does not cause stress (At least mine are thankfully that way- and yes, I did tattle on her.)

I was less than my usual bubbly self upon returning today.  641 teaching days until I retire kind of mindset. Suffering from serious "who gives a rat's ass syndrome."  We started taking notes on early country music- listened to examples- looked at the google slides I made for notes-read along the separate lyrics documents for the ones that were hard to hear.

At one point Emily asked "Mrs. Terry, do you make all these slides?" I answered yes.  She said "wow, that's a lot of work."  I said "the hard part isn't so much what to put in them as what to leave out of them."  Then Quin piped up and said, "oh, yeah, we've really been talking up this class to Ms highschool teacher.  We told her how much you seem really excited about the material and all the work you put into it."

Rendered speechless.  When I woke up this morning I was certain that I would be carrying that load of disappointed all day. And then someone stepped up and helped without even knowing it.  Thanks Universe.


Deb said...

That's so cool! It's so nice to be appreciated and to have all the hard work realized.

kmkat said...

Sometimes teenagers can surprise you in the best possible way.