Saturday, October 28, 2017

It's Saturday- that means it must be blog time

Where to start-

No food experiments this weekend.  The repertoire has expanded enough to allow for non-repetitive repeats.

I was knitting some lace in malabrigo lace weight and was wearing blue cotton pants.  Come to find they were heavily dyed blue cotton pants.  Dye on hands.  Dye on rows of lace.  Drawing board.

The high school kids.  They are great with class projects.  Not so much on taking, rereading, or using notes to learn stuff or take tests.  We have just started a quarter of western European music and even with using notes, only three passed with an A.

This weeks quarterly project, rather than becoming a report that would mean so little, will be a notebook with their notes turned in for  20% of their grade.  This is what I anticipated to some degree.  But, like I said, they've got the in-class projects figured out.

Last night was cousin's monthly night to eat out and we took her friend.  I refrained from the apple dumpling with ice cream but I did have fries on the salad.  The same salad I used to eat and call eating healthy was a guilty pleasure last night- fries AND ranch dressing on it.

For this morning's shopping trip, cousin informed me she would need extra money and to know my size so that she could shop for my birthday.  I unload her groceries into the car and into her house.  If I am not mistaken,  I believe that she has gotten me a plush hoodie in the design of the poop emoji.


Equals my birthday present. She has no internet savvy.  I'm certain she thinks its chocolate frosting.
Happy Birthday- here's your pile of poop.


kmkat said...

Wait. Fries...on a salad? That is just wrong. In other words, I have never had that nor t thought of it. Do the fries only go on a certain kind of salad? Are they regular ol' fries or something special just for salad? Inquiring minds want to know.

sunshine said...

My favorite meal! Steak Salad with fries and ranch dressing.