Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Summercation at Grandcamp. Day 2

Mr. Sophanne has relaxed a great deal. I'm so happy. Today he realized that just being here and having us say yes to nearly everything means as much as any planned activity.

This morning oldest and I made some pasta. She was less interested in it when she found out that there was no pasta machine to roll and cut the dough. Everyone ate and go figure, I haven't freaked out about feeding everyone yet. It helps that they have asked if we could eat at Subway every day. By saying yes to that, they will think of us every time they pass one.

Mr. Sophanne took them to the farm,




while I prepared festivities...



Ice cream, it's what's for dinner.

This was followed by a water balloon fight.


Picking ammunition

Which quickly disintegrated into an out and out water battle.


And after convincing the boy that he could NOT disrobe and just have a shower with the hose, I am expecting some knitting, a little star watching, and a good nights sleep. Lunch with a cousin, Carnegie Science Center and a sold out Pirate game in the Big City tomorrow.

The best part? Mama of the other three grandkids, after seeing all the fun, has booked an advanced reservation for grandparent camp for next year!


1 comment:

roxie said...

You might want to sneak those I-pads along to the game. I find baseball games interminably boring.

But it looks like stay-cation at Camp Gramp is just the ticket!