Thursday, February 07, 2013

Drive by posting

Having not gone to knit night on Tuesday, the weekly dose of the interesting and peculiar is not what it usually is.  However....

Yesterday morning a mama at school was talking to a papa at school who was holding a little one (age 1 or 2.)  Mama said, "My look how he has grown."

I cracked up.  What if adults would say these things to each other.  Later in the day I finally convinced that same mama to play that game with me.  We both said to each other "look how you've grown!"  and laughed and laughed.

And, based on the photo below you get one guess as to what Aunt of Sophanne and I will be doing in June.  I am so excited.  And those four words have really been all that I can utter about it since it came about!


Anonymous said...

Is that a cruise? You are going to have so much fun! We just booked another one for next spring!!! And yes, I agree with your four words..I am so excited

Sunshine said...

I want to go!!!!! I have been trying to talk sismo into going with me. Can't you just put me in one of your suitcases?????

Anonymous said...

Alaska is it? It's beautiful where ever it is. Best acquaint Auntie with maritime laws since that lady is a bit on the crazy side. Best to know where the lines are drawn at sea, no plank walking...

kmkat said...

If we ever go on a cruise, THAT is the one I have always coveted. You will have soooo much fund!