Thursday, February 09, 2017

Worth 1,000 words.

I finally made a lunchtime contribution that I didn't end up hating.


The 4th and 5th graders in my school are working with our online music textbooks on their chromebooks. It has never been so silent in my room.


I was cranky on Monday and secretarysandy brought ice cream for lunch on Tuesday. I might have looked like this.


I knitted 18 hats for pre-school plastic bottle snowmen,


Knitnightdoctorjustine's dog, Eddie, can play the ukulele.


O.k. Not really but this picture is the best.

It's snowing at night and it looks like this outside my bedroom window. And I can't sleep because I want to keep looking at it.


Aunt has returned to her apartment but requires new glasses, an aide to assist her 12hrs/day, a special fitting for shoes that will fit her swollen feet and 8 teeth extracted if she wants her dentures replaced. We are not rushing into the dental portion of those needs.

Liza continues to pathetically limp. Most often when she's been sitting on her leg for a time. She's under a doctors care to resolve it.

Everything else is status quo with the hope of a snow day tomorrow.


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