I was a recluse when I started blogging. I had one good (not husband) friend and the primary basis of that friendship early on was that canceling plans was allowed if there was excess anxiety on either side.
When I started reading blogs I found internet friends who wrote about knit nights and yarn stores.
I thought, hey maybe I could go to a yarn store.
I did. They had knit night. After much trepidation, I went there too.
I found that I could be a part of that tribe and I made friends.
All that practice being and making friends while knitting helped in the real world. For a while I carried my knitting to combat social anxiety and only rarely did I need to resort to it.
Now I can go out into the world without it and have fun, not even needing medication. Of late I've even initiated a few social gatherings and looked forward to them with anticipation rather than dread.
Anyone who suggests that there is not magic in knitting has never heard my story.
Thanks everybody.