Sunday, July 20, 2014

Emerald Isle, NC Friday-Sunday

They say to wait to do blog posts until after you get home from vacation so your house won't get robbed but really, we have all of our electronic devices with us and our t.v.'s at home are ancient.

The brilliant HusbandBob realized that some hotels allow dogs so instead of leaving at half past dark thirty on Saturday morning, we did a leisurely 7 hours to Cary, NC on Friday and finished up on Saturday morning well before the standard beach traffic hit.


And we're off!

Before leaving I declared my intentions to BFFAmber that no matter what worries were surrounding me, I was not going to allow them to infiltrate my being.

The map/direction app on the tablet was of great assistance. HusbandBob likes to have directions heard, repeated and repeated again up until the moment of any driving maneuver. Unless of course he understands them at which point there is a little growly "I know," suggesting that I refrain from stating the obvious. There is always doubt and questioning so much so that we miss many turns because he causes me to doubt myself. I swear sometimes it feels like defiant behavior, annoyed that someone would tell him what to do. But maybe I exaggerate.

He believes Maplady. She can do no wrong. She repeats herself at the same distance away regularly. She never doubts herself even when she is wrong. He listens to her. And then asks me to repeat what she said. Which is fine. It was the smoothest navigating of our ten years together. My absolute favorite bumper sticker from the day's travels was "Jesus is coming. Look busy."

The first wave of visitors here includes brother and sis in law, and HusbandBob's son and three grandkids. We spent some time at the waters edge. Then while I took care of my second major anxiety (we need food in the house and a plan for dinner) at the grocery store and pizza place, he had the older grandgirls divvying up the change for the poker tournaments later in the week. I have full rock star status for knowing to buy apple juice without being asked and thwarting a major meltdown.


Everyone starts with a bag full of coins.

This morning he and brotherJerry left in search of bike rentals and boogie boards. The grandgirls had a Frozen dance show. Elsa in her various incarnations. My second level of rock star status came when I had a charger to fit the son's portable speakers. Woot woot. In a very strange sequence of events, as the dance show was ending, the very tune I used to dance to in my living room (Sugar Sugar by the Archie's) popped up as the next song.

Elsa the Youngest


Elsa the Middle


Watcher of Elsa the Elder


(Picture taken from bedroom balcony)



Before I left, BFFAmber wished us a trip of Ease, Joy, and Glory. (I don't really "get" the glory part but it's what she says.). The name of the houses we have rented are Glori East and Glori West. The waffle cones we purchased yesterday had individual wrappers on them that said Joy. One of the kids in the next wave of guests is a trapeze artist (that's a bit of a stretch but it works for now.). Or we could just rename these three girls to make it work.


Joy, Glory and Ease


Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Reason You Still Read This Blog.

In addition to my clever words, one of the reasons you keep coming back is because every now and then I stumble upon a priceless gem of gems that will keep you giggling through the day.

In related news, today's 10,000 steps were brought to you by the Saturday morning flea market (a generous description) at the local fairgrounds. On my second lap (of six) around, I saw a box of craft books for $5. My reward for making all six laps was the magic box.

In honor of crackmeup Saturdays of days gone by, I give you the highlights from this box. Leave a comment if you want any of the patterns.(bwa ha ha)

The first book is this one-


Which suggests this as a Christmas craft-


Stupid stemless oranges and lemons.

And now for your viewing pleasure-


Where is she now?


Happily married to him?


Maybe she's sad because he left her for someone who could do a more traditional granny square


Or maybe she made him rue the day he left by becoming a granny square designer extraordinaire.


Or else she joined a cap wearing cult


That designed ties for bike-riding businessmen


And necklaces of subdued color to make ends meet.


Likely she had doubts as things started to get weirder.


The male blanket ritual was more than she could handle.


She thought she was doing him a favor when she tried to "Kill Kenny"


And was forced to wear the sheepskin of shame.


So she found new friends and began again.

Sometimes the universe just gives you a little flea market present. Other times all you get is a crocheted tennis racket cover.


And sometimes you get both.


Today's Walk

Was brought to you by the parking lots and air conditioning of America's most prevalent box stores.








Thursday, July 03, 2014

The Perfect Day


  • Nap all day
  • Take a walk
  • Track whistle pigs
  • Spot whistle pigs
  • Chase whistle pigs
  • Bath
  • Sleep