Wednesday, March 05, 2008

some questions answered re: knit night and a contest!

I was writing answers in comments but you can never be sure if people go back and read them. So- if you're a new reader, find a better post to introduce me (unless you're just here for the contest)

Anonymous Bonnie (if you decide to have a blog, I think that would be a great name.): When you finish with this post, search my blog for "knit night" and you'll be up to date.

poly_dactyl: I do share the blog with knit nighters. I don't really say anything I wouldn't say while I was there. I'm pretty sure the less than favorite Mary doesn't read it but I did suggest as much as I wrote while I was there that night.

Kristin: A KAL support group- do I need this? Is this part of the whole KAL experience? This is my first one. Yes I'm a KALVIRGIN. Am I going to regret this decision?

Brain Attack follow-up: what I didn't tell you was that Gina was a little worried I was having one because I couldn't finish my Bird in Hand thumb and have a conversation at the same time.

Low-Grade Anxiety follow-up: I am so clearly not alone in this phenomena. In fact.... what say we have a contest.

I never did have the patience for that thin Rowan 4-ply. Check Sophanne on Ravelry to find out what's left. (you can also see the colors somewhere on this blog if you're not a Raveler) I think there's purple, midnight blue, and squirrel gray (Rowan had better names but they escape me at the moment)- many skeins of each- great for fair isle somethings or to pass on to some unsuspecting contest hungry blogger.

At any rate- share your low-grade anxiety moments and win a prize. Have someone mention your blog when entering and get another entry. Random number winner take all. Let's make this the best contest ever! (BCE), a delayed 1 year blogovorsory, an "I finished the second Wicked, "Liza gets spayed", "losing your KALVIRGINITY" contest. Number will be drawn after dark on the Ides of March.


flutter said...

Ok, well there is this thing that I always do when I am driving. I feel bad about the time it takes me to drive and that I should be writing, and that it's such a waste for my tires to be treading asphalt when my pen could be on paper.

Then i worry if I miss an idea for a post or a poem or a book chapter because I am stuck in traffic. It kills me

Tammy said...

I'm sorry but I only have high-grade anxiety moments (see my last post re: the Grand Canyon). I think the rest of my daily life is of the low-grade sort.

Stephanie said...

I'm that mom that always worries she's left one of her kids behind. Even though I NEVER have...I swear when I only had 2 of them I never had to do a head count. Then I count them and go over it in my head and have to reassure myself that I really do only have 4 of them and they are all safely strapped into the car. How lame am I? I do all sorts of things like that on an almost daily basis. I'm a total idiot :)

Mountain Mama said...

Ooooo, I love contests!

You have seen this happen to me IRL- I get anxiety almost every time I walk into a yarn store! Too many beautiful choices, I think.

Anonymous said...

My new mantra is -"Don't worry about anything" and "don't take anything seriously". They seem to be working along with the daily doses of St. John's Wort and Valerian root.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Bonnie
Well it would be fun to have a blog however, I will need blog intructions because it took me some time to send this post the last time..
as far as low grade stress... I just pile everything on my plate and have done this for years... the anxiety just becomes normal and when you don't have it you feel like something is wrong.. kinda like reverse psychology...
called reverse anxiety.

Anonymous said...

LGA moment? When I am out wheeling and should be doing something at home, like dishes or taxes. When I think I forgot to give the kids lunch money. When I think I'm a bad mother because their lunch doesn't include a veg or a fruit because they ate all of the veg and fruit for after school snacks. And when I'm afraid I'll find "mouse presents" near my work computer again.

Carol said...

I always worry about whether I am going to be late somewhere...even if I am in the car and can see that I have plenty of time. I also worry that I will forget my cellphone & pda somewhere I was working. So I check my purse a gazillion times.

Olga said...

I think the one I have ALL the time I call 'The Sunday night WAH WAH's'
I feel all this anxiety and depression on Sunday night that tomorrow is monday and the weekend is once again over and ugh- I can't face it. I think this comes from being in school and hating it so much I never wanted to go and now I've trained myself to react this way every sunday night. Once Monday actually comes I'm ok, but its horrible on Sundays.

Mag said...

I have the Sunday and Monday blues too Frau Olga.

I have trouble answereing questions in comments too. I can never get a link to email in blogger and I just comment to my own blog. I have no way of knowing if anyone who has a blog reader comes back to see their answer.
Oh well. I am grateful they read my stuff at all.

Jethro Tull, btw. What a dorky band huh? The guy with the flute! hahahaahah!

Kim said...

My duh. I didn't know you responded to comments in the comments. Oh well. Happy belated blogiversary! Here's some recent /current low grade anxiety for the contest: (1) wanting to vacuum but it keeps getting postponed; (2) putting up the new shower curtain liner which keeps getting postponed. Most of my low grade anxiety revolves around stupid household chores that never seem to get done.

Sarah said...

I guess I have low grade anxiety pretty much all the time. I'm just a very anxious person. I worry about the weather, about the price of gas, about finding a house to buy, about someone buying our house, about work ... You name it, I worry about it. The good thing is that I'm pretty used to the constant state of anxiety. I almost think that if I weren't so anxious, I'd never get anything done.

Sunflowerfairy said...

I'm a nutbag, so it's difficult to judge what a LGAM would be.

But here's one anyways:

Hubs and I are taking a bus trip to Boston tomorrow and I want to drive up separately because I'm afraid that the bus might wreck and both of us dying, therefore leaving The Boy an orphan.

Trust me, when I told Hubs this, he thought I was nuts too.

(Yay for contests!)

Lydee said...

I get depressed during twilight for no reason at all except that the sun went down.

Lauren Barnett said...

wow....thank you!!!!

Mari said...

Field trips! There is so much to worry about.
the weather, accidents (the wet ones), the other accidents, losing a kid,...

Yup, lots of stress. :)

Dandy said...

I always worry about if I have to work at 9 or 11... it's different everyday, but we've had the same 2 week schedule for 3'd think I'd know it by now... but when I get to work at 11 I always look at the open sign to make sure I'm not

ikkinlala said...

I have LGA moments at certain times every day: when I get to the bus stop I worry about whether I remembered to lock the door (sometimes I end up going back to check... more than once), and I do a similar thing when setting my alarm clock at night.

Umme Yusuf said...

I get LGA whenever I toy around with my yarn etc instead of studying for exam which is only two weeks away.And it is a constant anxiety as when I am not doing yarn, I am thinking yarn or dreaming yarn..... Oh, here start my palpitations:(

Wendy said...

I tend to worry about getting things done in a timely effectient manner and will try to do anything I can ahead of time so that I don't have to do it later... which still seems to have me panic that it's not done early enough.

5elementknitr said...

I dread being late. It makes me crazy to be late. I'm always the first one at a party, sometimes even showing up early and then I have to help set up.

It's strange because when I was in the Army, I was constantly getting in trouble for being late.

Bluebird49 said...

I have to say it's wondering if I remembered to pay all the bills on time when we're going to visit our kids or going on vacation. I'm so disorganized that I usually DO forget, anytime, but when we're in the caron the way--in my mind I'm always trying to see the bills...checking them off as we drive! (Although I have to agree with a lot of people--LOW level anxiety is not my forte--I'm HIGHLEVEL!!)

Bluebird49 said...

I have to say it's wondering if I remembered to pay all the bills on time when we're going to visit our kids or going on vacation. I'm so disorganized that I usually DO forget, anytime, but when we're in the caron the way--in my mind I'm always trying to see the bills...checking them off as we drive! (Although I have to agree with a lot of people--LOW level anxiety is not my forte--I'm HIGHLEVEL!!)

K. Anne said...

No matter if I check everything in the house, when I leave I will worry that I left something on or unlocked. There have even a few times when i turned around and came back just to make sure that I locked the front door! Knitwise, I will be anxious until I get feedback from a swap recipient. I am always worried that I made or gave something that they end up not liking! LOL, I'm a worry-wart if I let myself be! :P
I am posting on my blog:

Lizardknits said...

Whenever I leave the house, I always worry that I'll run out of "something to knit while I wait". I always tote along a ridiculous amount with me, and keep an extra project in the car - "just in case"!
Check for post.

noricum said...

Dandy sent me. :)

I have lots of anxiety. Hmmm, which should I list? How about how I always worry that I said something stupid. I'm frequently worrying about that. :P

Anonymous said...

Noricum sent me. I have low grade anxiety all the while when my MIL is living with us (she's just announced her return date and it's only 2 weeks away...there's so many things I need to finish before she gets here, ohmygod what am I doing reading blogs????)

Angela said...

when we leave in a rush for preschool in the mornings, i worry that it's today is my day to co-op and i've forgotten to buy snacks and show up early, even tho' i've checked the calendar 18 times and know that i'm not on the schedule until next week!

Yarnhog said...

In college, my nickname was "The Stress-Monster". I flatter myself that I am much more laid-back now. But still, I could probably fill a book with my anxiety moments. How's this: when my stepson was a teenager, I had a problem with hives. I started breaking out in hives periodically, and it got worse and worse, until my whole body would be covered and I had to take double doses of Benadryl to control it. I finally realized that it only happened when my stepson would come over--and it happened every time. I had actually become allergic to his presence. (In our mutual defense, it wasn't actually him; it was that his presence reminded me of his mother. 'Nuff said.) Anyway, once I realized what was causing the hives, they went away and never returned.

Sharon Rose said...

I'm generally pretty laid-back, but these days whenever I book an appointment for a client, a little voice says "Sure you can be there?"

This is not a completely unfounded fear, as I drive antique cars and they fail me now and then. More frequently, recently. Need to step up and buy a Smart Car, but I love my wierdos!

Turtle said...

I have had low greade anxiety for about the past 9 years now...the last few months i have taken to humming a song in my head when it strikes. Lol, this is not always appropriate nor are the songs that i sometimes sing to distract me! But it seems to help!