Monday, March 24, 2008

Day One Spring Break.

What this means for you- more Sophanne posts in your Google/Bloglines Reader

It's 10:20 a.m. and already I have done some laundry, blocked the stocking, run an errand, walked the dog in the park and read all of the new blogposts. I'm thinking other than another load or two of laundry, I'll call it a day.

Thought for this morning- why can't the rest of the world operate on a school schedule, summer's off and all-or at least a month or two off. It's not like we really get paid for the summer, they just take some money from the months I work and pay it to me later.

Come to think of it, wouldn't that improve employment statistics? Companies could hire more people to cover the months that others have off. You might have to take a slight pay cut but I think you should have that option.


Yarnhog said...

I'd love to have summers off, and I'd gladly take a pay cut. However, since I am a mom, and I don't get paid anyway, I don't see how that would really work out. Sigh.

Cindy said...

I LOVELOVELOVE your logic. And, any friend of Joan's, is a friend of mine, too:)

Kim said...

I'd take a slight pay cut to have summers off. My 2 sisters are teachers and Mr. Kim works for the school district so I constantly have to curb my jealousy. You got more done before 10:30am than most people get done in a day! Now you should relax and take it easy the rest of the day!

Anonymous said...

I would like a day off for spring break! I should take a mental health day, me thinks, and meet you somewhere. LOL Sounds like you got a lot done...maybe you can hire out? ;)

Me7of11 said...

Our schools are year-round, so the children are "on track" for 9 weeks, then "off track" for 3, on for 9, off for 3, etc. I think this is a fantastic schedule and would LOVE to incorporate it at my place of work. Anyone want to job share?

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your week! I go back tomorrow...

flutter said...

I am thinking I might saw off my arm for spring break. and I just got back from vacation!

Anonymous said...

I am with Yarnhog. Love to have any time off or get paid.

I'll do my very best to have many blog posts to keep you entertained.

Lydee said...

Wow! I must have checked all my blogs early, cause I missed yours until today! Congrats for you. I must have also subconsciencly decided to get some things done this week, cause I didn't check blogs all afternoon!

Look forward to more posts. I suppose I should post some too.

Deborah-- said...

Oh I would love to working on a schoool schedule. I definitely think employees would be more productive. Dream, dream, dream.

Debbie D said...

I just wish companies would give more than two weeks off a year.

Carol said...

Many European countries have mandated by law a month of vacation (or more)! In North America we might get 2 weeks mandated by law. If we are lucky in where we live.....
Frankly, 2 weeks is not long enough to relax. And many people don't even take that!