Friday, June 27, 2008


An update on my 8th grade adventures.

I picked up MissMags from a softball game on Wednesday Night.

Thursday began with a trip to the grocery store to purchase Diet Coke and Mentos. We dropped these off with The Claw (Mr. Sophanne wanted us to have adult supervision. Claw was the closest I could come) and headed to a Chinese Buffet for lunch.

Then we saw "The Love Guru." It might have been funnier if there were other people in the theater. Not too many takers at a 12:30 showing.

Return to the Claw. Mentos experiment complete. Not quite as nice as this one but amazing nonetheless. The Claw beat MissMags to the first bottle. My favorite line of the day was when he said "It won't happen right aw...phphphphphphphphphphphtttttttt."

This was followed by a trip to the grocery store to purchase taco stuff to make for dinner. Made only slightly annoying by the discovery of a laser pointer by the real eighth grader.

The late afternoon was spent with video games, the dog, and making tacos. The evening was topped off by the Last Comic Standing.

I think I'm done being an 8th grader for a while. I'm glad other people have kids.

Whispering update- I discovered that my problem with me as the chew toy was that I didn't have the strength to really subdue her with just my hands. She thought I was playing. A gentle and calm body slam around 8:00 pm has been settling everything down.

Other good news on the dog front is that we've found a lovely and kind vacation home as we travel acroos the country. While I know I will whimper at our departure, I feel really happy that she will be extremely loved while we're gone.

Knitting update- all train projects have been started. At least that's my excuse for startitis. I have some skeins to wind for the journey. I think I may be able to bring everything that I'm working on except Medallion. After all, who needs clothes?


Lydee said...

okay, yeah, you had me laughing with just the simple mention of diet coke and mentos combine with "the claw". really, there should be video....

Lydee said...

BTW the you tube video is hilarious, I've seen another one by them, but this one was even better.

Mary Beth said...

Ok. Here's my thoughts on this.

1. What a freakin mess.
2. Lord, we put that crap into our tummies. A time bomb just waiting to go.
3. That's a lot of money for a Coke Fireworks display. Just like the real thing.

Carol said...

And fun was had by all! The Mentos trick is fun, eh? As for the puppy thing, yeah, we had a similar problem with our new kitty. He kept trying to bite. So instead of pulling away (a prey reaction) we started shoving our hand in farther. Confused the heck out of him and now he occasionally thinks of biting, but contrlos himself. Yay!