Friday, April 20, 2018

Same show, different color.

While pondering next week's hip hop lessons I stared wondering about a complementary t.v. show.  Hello In Living Color.  Those kids are too young to even know about it or the fact that it was a Jim Carey starting point. While looking at skits there was even a fake used car sales commercial on both.  Negative female and male/female relationship stereotypes, poverty, over exaggerated culture stereotypes.

While researching today I got a glimpse into the world of NYC graffiti, watched quite a bit of break dancing and dancing in the pop and lock style. Wow.  If you’re looking for some great “how in the world" videos, YouTube suicide break dancing moves. I also watched the d.j. championships hosted by Redbull. Scratching, phase pumping, etc.  

I’ve also made a small inroad into my case for next year.  I found the assistant principal and asked about the plan.  I mentioned that teaching guitar and piano in the same class would be (as my good friend described) like teaching French and Spanish in the same class.  I also let her know that while I am willing to figure out how to teach such things, I am not willing to pretend to be doing it if there aren’t enough instruments. She listened to and understood my concerns and will be doing some investigating.  She also observed some of the music making that takes place in the class as is and thought that would be a good option.

In other news, there was a kindergarten meltdown and a fourth grade bloody fistfight between two friends after 3:00 and it was my turn to deal with it.  I know it happened because I knocked on wood at 2:45.

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