Monday, January 15, 2018

Truth or Consequences.

So, the pumpkin muffin plan is a no-go.  I can not prevent myself from eating all 12 muffins within 2 days.  And while they are lower calorie than actual muffins, 2200 calories is 2200 calories. That combined with snow shoveling as the only exercise means the scale did not change this weekend (though I'm starting to realize if I can just ride out the weekend food-wise I'm doing well.)

Last week while watching the news I remembered that Martin Luther King day is ideally seen a day of service in his honor.  My conscience was bothering me about this until I stopped to examine why I will not be doing community service today.  Then I realized that given the support and care of both my aunt and cousin, I do community service weekly.  Today I will be taking cousin to the grocery store.  Conscience relieved.

Procrastination Nation.  Has anyone written this book or made a movie yet?  Clearly not because I would be the star.  I make myself crazy in my clutteriness and my procrastination in attending to it.

Hence the title of this post.  I fear that the only thing that will get me to do the simple tasks at hand is some accountability.  So here is today's list-it's the same every time

bills (and clearing the kitchen table in the process), laundry, reading area near bed, knitting area near chair, yarn room floor, clothes not put away in the dog's room.

I've finished the bills and should finish the kitchen table after this post.  After taking cousin shopping I'll attend to the rooms.  I wish I could keep these maintained rather than having them always on my to do list.  Maybe I'll set a reminder on my watch for a daily check.  I fear once a clutterer, always a clutterer.

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