Friday, September 22, 2017

Just You Wait.

What not to say to your spouse who has been counting calories tediously since July- "while you're up there will you heat up that apple dumpling I bought and put some ice cream on it."

My internal response was are you f-ing kidding me? I managed to pull off a "really?" And he said, oh wait nevermind, I'll get it.

I love the guy So Much, but I'm thinking of starting a club called "think before you speak."

Talking to my doctor this week, he thinks it's emotional abuse to even have those treats in the house. If he only knew.

This week was a leftover week- some hummus, some bean chili, another batch of quinoa and black beans. I had quite a shopping list that never came to fruition. I'll try tomorrow. There is a recipe for no-bake brownies involving prunes and cocoa and there will definitely be many lemons and chick peas for more hummus.

And hopefully an interesting colorful blog post.

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