Monday, June 13, 2011

It's bunny season

I've got a nose for bunnies....

I've got a taste for bunnies...

Mr. Sophanne: I've got the bunny

Lil Liza Jane delivered (so far) a total of 5 baby bunnies. She held them gently and dropped them on command (mostly.) We delivered them safely away from her reach (although I fear in direct line of some turkey vultures but what's a bunny saver to do?)

I am back in the Burg of Wayne.

garden pictures added at link on left


flutter said...

I literally just squeaked. that bunny is so cute

Sunshine said...


roxie said...

Liza Jane is a GOOD DOG! A soft mouth like that is a rare and precious trait in a retriever. What stories those bunnies could tell!

Rogue Butterfly said...

Eeeeep! It's so small and cute!

Yarnhog said...

Our old Golden Retriever Molly did that! She brought me a newborn baby bunny and when I couldn't find the nest, I made a felt bag to carry it in under my shirt to keep it warm and fed it kitten milk every two hours for a month. (Then I tried to wean it onto alfalfa and it died, which was very sad, but at least I tried.)

Anonymous said...

Either Mr. Sophanne has gigunda hands (is so a word) or that is one teeny tiny bunny.