Saturday, November 03, 2007

3:00 a.m. note to self...

Liza Jane may not pee where she sleeps but that shouldn't be misinterpreted as saying she won't pee where I sleep. I swear mom, I'll wash the sheets before you get here.

On the other hand, everytime we go outside there's a little squat and piddle so I think puppy has a genius I.Q.

Must get some sleep. Enter the happy birthday don't forget about *this* with your dog contest


Anonymous said...

I"m guessing by Liza Jane that the puppy is a she and not a he. Oops, sorry LJ!

Anonymous said...

You can cure the peeing where you sleep by letting her sleep with you, you know. (LJ, you can thank me later.)

Anonymous said...

She'll get than hang of house training. She's just a little baby!