Thursday, March 22, 2007

knitting class finale

It may have been the last day of knitting class but next week begins the knitting club- "MD Knit-Wits." I really couldn't go with MD Knit-pickers. It sounded too much like nose-pickers. We'll see what the sheep drags in.

Today was not without laughter. Twice, adults came in wondering what was going on. One thought it was a group of teachers laughing. I'm not really sure of the significance of that but she seemed to think it was meaningful.

AA had a great joke that made me laugh my head off and now I can't remember it. Tune in tomorrow when I ask her to remind me. MM managed to point out a zit on my forehead. I told her I got it by putting my hand to my head from kids driving me crazy. AA said, "You should do that on the other side so that they would match." CC wondered what to knit next after finishing a 2"x2" coaster. I suggested a bandage for my giant zit.

Then there was the conversation about the fact that kangaraoos are as much of a nuisance in Australia as deer are here. That led to some interesting road kill imagery. The mama helping out told the story of her sister who hit a deer and put it in her trunk and took it back to the slaughterhouse (the sister's family raised hogs) only to find that it was still alive and "kicking." In fact it was kicking her back seat out of her car.

CC also told of reading a news story about a turkey who sat on a particular car every Sunday at some church. The turkey was later found dead and the church wanted to have a funeral for it. I missed this news tidbit. I asked where all these people were at Thanksgiving and MM, who has had WAY MORE than her fair share of funerals as an eleven year old, began a eulogy for the unnamed turkey.

The mama helper took me aside to tell me a joke not suitable for the 11 and under crowd in a public school. A Catholic grandmother living in the South overslept for church on Sunday. As she hurriedly approached the church she asked the usher "Ismassout?" He said, "No, but your hat's on crooked." I guess it's one of those that works better when you hear it but after an hour of laughing m'ass off, it topped the afternoon.

DD couln't get a word in edgewise, MM didn't have her needles or her yarn and was using some extra to pretend that she was knitting. This was the second time out of 4 classes that she didn't have it. Did I mention this was to be a knitting class? I can't imagine what the looser structure of a "club" will bring.

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