Monday, February 14, 2011

Roses are Red Violets are blue

Finish this poem...
It's something to do.


JelliDonut said...

Roses are Red
Violets are blue
My cat just barfed

Probably not what you had in mind, but it wasn't exactly how I was hoping to spend the day either.

roxie said...

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Irises are blue,
cornflowers are blue,
forget-me-nots are blue,
hydrangeas are blue,
daisies are blue,
ha,ha - they are not either. Fooled you!

Anonymous said...

Roses are red
violets are blue
to get a witty poem
I did a search on Yahoo!

Anonymous said...

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
My name is Kathy,

That's post-modern poetry. Or surrealist poetry. Or Dada poetry. Or something else, maybe just drivel.

Sharon said...

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I'm postmenopausal,
how about you?

Sucks I know, but it's better than any of the poetry I wrote in college...wincing now and feeling a pang of sympathy for my profs...